
Live 110: MLX for Apple Silicon

JANUARY 24, 2024

In Live 110, I continued looking at Apple's MLX framework.

Watch this stream to learn how to run MLX code in Python and generate text with Mistral 7B on Apple silicon.

If this is something that interests you, please let me know on Twitter or, even better, on the Discord community.

Thanks for watching.

See you next week!


00:17 · Introduction
02:35 · Today
04:35 · Apple MLX
06:40 · mlx
08:24 · mlx-data
09:55 · mlx-examples
10:43 · MLX Community in HuggingFace
13:40 · M1 Pro with MLX?
15:43 · mlx-lm Troubleshoot
26:19 · mlx-lm Solution
31:57 · Lazy Evaluation
34:09 · Indexing Arrays
39:48 · Generative Image Control
40:48 · Instruct Pix2Pix
45:21 · ControlNet Depth
52:47 · LLMs in MLX with Mistral 7B
